Syndax Announces Start of NCI Sponsored Phase 2 Study of Entinostat in Combination in Triple Negative Breast Cancer
--Trial based on data appearing in Cancer Research showing entinostat elicits hormone sensitivity in animal models--
WALTHAM, Mass., March 1, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Syndax Pharmaceuticals, a clinical-stage epigenetics oncology company, announced the National Cancer Institute (NCI) will sponsor a multi-center phase 2 study of Syndax’s lead product entinostat, a novel inhibitor of histone deacetylases (HDAC), and anastrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, in postmenopausal women with operable triple negative breast cancer to evaluate biomarkers and surrogates for response. The trial, to be conducted under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) executed between the NCI and Syndax, will investigate whether patient tumors can be reprogrammed to express estrogen receptor and render them to be sensitive to hormonal agents. This trial is based on animal data being published in the March 1, 2011, issue of Cancer Research.
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